view on the street in luragung

view on the street in luragung

Kamis, 01 Desember 2016

Aksi Bela Islam III

Haru, sedih, bangga, dan bahagia
perasaan yang sedang berkecamuk dihatiku
ketika umat islam sedang mengorbankan harta dan tenaga mereka untuk islam
mereka berlomba-lomba untuk membela agama Allah,
mencoba menegakkan kebenaran di atas muka bumi ini, yang sesak penuh kemungkaran

AHOK benar-benar telah membangunkan macan yang tertidur
umat yang selama ini terlihat diam dan acuh terhadap segala bentuk kemungkaran yang terjadi di dunia saat ini  mulai menunjukkan kekuatannya. menunjukkan taringnya yang panjang dan bangun dari tidurnya.

Aksi bela islam jilid III pun dilakukan pada tanggal 212 2016
meski dilarang berbagai pihak yang berkuasa di negeri ini
namun aksi bela islam ini tetap dilakukan
bahkan santri-santri di ciamis melakukan long march sampai dijakarta
para ibu-ibu pun yang dilewati jalannya oleh peserta long march ini memberikan makanan
dan masih banyak cerita-cerita haru yang lainnya

dan yang lebih menggoyah hati, siapa yang tidak mau menjadi pembela agama Allah
yang kelak akan menuai hasil, buah kebaikan melakukannya
sebuah kebanggan untuk para pelakunya
dan membuat iri diri ini, sedih karna tak bisa menjadi bagian dari mereka
mudah-mudahan doa ini menjadi penguat langkah mereka..

Jumat, 02 September 2016

ketika budaya yang ada didalam masyarakat menjadi tolak ukur sebuah perbuatan apakah itu baik atau buruk. tidakkah kita ingat siapakah yang kita harapkan ridhanya? siapakah yang kita inginkan untuk menganggap kita baik? ingin baik dihadapan manusia? atau baik dihadapan Allah?
sungguh untuk dianggap baik oleh semua manusia adalah hal yang tidak akan pernah bisa dicapai. karena semua manusia tentu mempunyai pendapat yang berbeda-beda. Namun ketika baik dihadapan Allah walaupun itu buruk dihadapan manusia itu adalah lebih baik. nilailah selalu baik dan buruknya segala sesuatu dengan islam, dengan aturan Allah bukan yang lain.

Kamis, 01 September 2016

Aku Tertinggal

Aku tertinggal.
yahh aku memang tertinggal.
kutelusuri waktuku yang sudah berlalu.
ku temukan detik-detik terbuang sia-sia.
kutatap layar-layar sosial mediaku,
penuh tulisan sarat dengan ilmu.
Ku ingat ingat teman-temanku,
perkataan mereka is dakwah.
aku tertinggal sangat jauh.
dan kini aku ingin mengejar.
berlari mengejar ketertinggalanku.
itulah harapanku.
aku harap aku tidak berjalan.
inginku menaiki sebuah kendaraan untuk bisa menyusul mereka.
menyampaikan kebenaran ini dengan ilmu.
tujuanku ingin menjadi wanita yang mulia yang di cintai Rabb-Nya.
ya Allah aku mencintai-Mu.
kuatkan aku selalu dijalan dakwah ini.
bersama-sama dengan orang yang mencintai-Mu juga
hingga Kemenangan akan segera terwujud
Khilafah Rasyidah

Selasa, 02 Agustus 2016

I can smile, i can laugh, i can play, i can run, i can be serious, i can be humoris, i can be everything. But with right people and right condition without oppositing with my principle. Because i want to hold it strongly. It is not about me. But it is about how should we as a muslim act. Keep holding our principle.

Senin, 18 Juli 2016


Malam ini gak sengaja liat foto-foto jadul aku sama adik-adikku. Lalu denger rekaman aneh kami waktu kecil. Yaampuuun sedih banget dengernya. Gak kerasa aku sama adik-adikku sudah tumbuh besar. Aku lupa bagaimana detilnya kita tumbuh. Yang aku tahu aku sangat menyayangi mereka. Aku bahagia mempunyai adik seperti mereka. Bahagia banget malahan. Keluarga ini adalah hal terindah yang pernah aku punya yang Tuhan berikan. Karena keluarga adalah tempat dimana kita merasa nyaman, punya tempat pulang ketika kita membutuhkan tempat untuk menumpahkan lelah, tempat dimana semua saling peduli dan tempat yang selalu terbuka untuk kita, kapanpun. Aku ingin kami akan selalu berjalan beriringan bahagia bersama di dunia. Dan akan bahagia juga di surganya. Ya Allah jika salah seorang diantara kami salah ingatkanlah ya Allah, bimbinglah kami. Sungguh kami ingin bersama-sama disurgamu. Terimakasih ya Allah aku bahagia sekali dengan mereka

Jumat, 27 Mei 2016

little thinking of live

Siang menjadi siang lagi, pagi menjadi pagi lagi, dan malam menjadi malam lagi, aku terdiam sejenak dan memikirkan haruskah ku jalani kehidupanku terus seperti ini, setiap hari. Teringat bahwa kehidupan ini hanya sementara, matahari ini, bulan ini, tetesan hujan, langit biru dengan hiasan awan-awan putih hanya sementara. Aku harus bersabar, kehidupan yang sedang ku jalani hanyalah sementara. Aku disini hanya untuk beribadah sehingga kehidupan kekalku menjadi indah. Senyuman-senyuman terbayang-bayang dibenakku. Aku tak ingin mengecewakan senyuman-senyuman itu dan setiap tetes keringat yang membuatku tetap tegak berdiri. Aku akan terus semangat untuk mencapai the real happy ending, karena the real happy ending itu adalah ketika aku bisa bahagia selama-lamanya yaitu dikehidupan setelah kehidupan ini berakhir, disuatu kehidupan yang tak akan pernah berakhir. Dan aku berharap aku benar-benar akan mendapatkan the real happy ending itu bersama dengan mereka-mereka yang ku sayangi.

Sabtu, 02 Januari 2016

Cerpen "Where"

bikin cerpen sengaja dipublikasikan biar bisa dinikmati bersama. happy reading....


(Neli Prastiani)

            From the morning until that afternoon she had not ate anything. However, her mother had not showed her nose since she opened her eyes in the morning. There was no anything in the kitchen which could she ate. She just could wait and wait her mother came, she didn’t know exactly came from where. The sunset shows it mark. Her mother had not come yet. Her stomach could not wait again.

She wanted to buy some food but she didn’t have money. Then she thought to enter her mother bedroom looking for money. But she didn’t bravo enough to enter there. She worry if her father would angry if knew she did it. Since her brother die one week ago he was afraid to her father. Her mother often got unfair behavior from her father. And she never spoke anything to her father after that.

“kriuuk kriukk..” the sound of her stomach

In long time the sound of her stomach didn’t stop. She really really hungry and felt could not wait again. She decided to enter her parent’s bedroom quietly. She saw her father which was sleeping in sofa. After she felt sure that her father would not get up, directly she entered to her parent’s bedroom. How she very shocked when she found her parent’s bedroom so messy. When she was looking for money she was shocked again because she found there is blood on her mother clothes.


“How can this blood here, on my mother clothe”

She began to think, and began to guess

“What is it possible? What is her father do criminal to my mother?

“Hoamm…” her father had got up from his sleeping. Listen it quickly she take the money which had she took some money which she had been found and leaved her parent’s bedroom. Then she went to small shop and ate.

The clock had showed 8.00 P.M and she had not seen her mother yet, her worry feeling is stronger in herself.

“Mom…Mom..” She began to cry

The bad thinking fulfilled her mind. The lost her mother very mysterious without leaved one word. She more and more disturbing with her bad, that her father had killed her mother. Moreover, she found blood in her mother’s clothed. Sure she hoped her guessing is wrong. She had not braved enough to ask about her mother to her father.

            She opened her eyes and looked the clock show 8.00 PM. slowly she got up and walk to go to bath room. This is 8th days her holiday in her school five graduates in elementary school. One thing which she remembered when she got up, that is about her mother

“Mom.. Are you here?” she called her mother, hoping her mother back to home. But there was not answering.

”Mom.. Are you here?” she tried to call her mother again but there was no answering yet.

“I need you mom, I miss you” her saying while whisper, her teardrops followed on her cheek.

She went out from her bedroom. Now, there was whoever in house. Her father was going from home. In her kitchen when she wanted to cut onion she could not find the knife which usually in its place. She looking for many place but she didn’t find everywhere.

Her thinking suddenly remembered her mother and her thinking connected lost her mother with the knife which lost too. Quickly she lost her bad thinking. But the more she didn’t think about that the more she thought it. Her anxious feeling encourage to look back her mother’s clothes and enter to her parent’s bedroom. When she wanted open her parent’s bedroom she was made shocked with her father voice

“Dilla” she said while little screams

 “What are you doing?” he continue

Since 4 days ago after her brother die she heard her father spoke to her. As if there was important thing which forced her father to do it

“No. No I don’t do anything dad” she answer

Directly her father close the door her bedroom and lock it inside.

She just stand look what her father did.

“Mom how can father change like that, where are you mom? I am afraid here alone” she said in her heart. Quickly she went to her bedroom. On her bad she sat, closed her mouth and began to cry, pouring all in her feeling. This time everything feels changed.

Suddenly, she remembered her friend, she want to go to her friend’s house to share her problem. She turned her clothes, brushed her hair, and took sandal. In her friend’s house she told her problem and her friend gave spirit. When she back to home through back door her house she was stopped by a stack ground looks like was dig currently.

Her eyes open wide thinking every possible thing why there was a new stack ground here.

“Is possible if daddy kills my mother and buried her here? She said to herself about the worse things which in her mind.

The clock show 00.00 PM but she still had not been slept. Feeling afraid, worry, anxious, she felt in herself. As if not strong again to be anxious she really wanted to prove her bad thinking was wrong. She made herself braved to dig the new stuck ground. She decided to sleep several days in her friend’s house but before it she wanted to dig the stack ground. She prepared her clothes and put into bag.

Directly she went to backhouse and then she dug the new stack ground little by little carefully. She didn’t want anyone knew that. She had not finished dig suddenly she hear noisy sound in her house. Sounds like there was a woman who was talking with her parents while sob and call her name. She leaved her working and peek in her house through the little space of curtain.

“Mom.. That is my mother” she said to herself. Make she felt sure that is her mother.

Quickly she washed her hand and ran to her house to meet her mother. But when she entered her house there was no her mother, she just seen her father cry alone

“Where is mother Dad? Where?”

“Dilla, from where you are? He said

“Your mother went looking for you, she is sad because she cause you went away from house”

“Actually, yesterday she went to grandma’s house to make herself quiet of the fact that your brother is dead” he explained

“I am sorry I never tell you because I so sad too” he said

“Now, where my mom go dad? She said

“I don’t know she just say she want go away to looking for you, she will never back before she found you” he said

“Mom…” she cried and her father hugged Dilla


this poem for women who is angle in my live. thank you to be with me.

(Neli Prastiani)

My sadness is her sadness

Smile in my face is her happiness

I am her world

Even thought she doesn’t said

But, I know

Because her loving explain more than that

She is someone who don’t want to look me cry,

Someone who understand me what I never speak,

Someone who stay with me when the world keeps away,

Someone who backside me in my successes,

If should I choose one important person in my live

I choose her

Because no someone like her

And there is will not

There is no hug like she hugs me softly

There is no love like she love me

I love her, and never doubt about that

She is the angle in my live

She is the best thing that’s mine